jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Workshop on "Kahoot"- Liceo Pan de Azucar-

As I mentioned on previous posts Kahoot is great way of engaging the students in the classroom, for it allows them to compete against themselves using technology. And for the teacher it's an excellent way of revising what he/she has been teaching.
How to create a kahoot is very easy, but sometimes we need to be shown, and most importantly, we need to do things by ourselves.... and that's why I commit myself to share what I have been learning during the TEA program with my colleagues here, in Uruguay, with the hope of helping them improving their practices.

Therefore, I decided to do my first workshop in my highschool ... Liceo Prof Alvaro Figueredo (Pan de Azucar) about KAHOOT.
Along the year I want to prepare more workshops for my colleagues...

Below, there are some pictures of the workshop done on Thursday 23th March, 2017 (10 days after my departure from the US :)

A brave Maths teacher showing the Kahoot she created in the workshop 😀

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