martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

1st highschool visit 🙌

Today we went in groups of four tea fellows to different highschools.
In my case I went to Westfield highschool, home of the bull.dogs (how they are called in the different sports they compete in). They have won the state championship in American football and basketball several times, and they are quite proud about that.... they have bulldog drawings and staff related to it everywhere.
The building is huge and it's the students who move from one classroom to another, because the rooms are related to subjects.
They have a big cafeteria, library, gym, computer rooms, music rooms, etc... Everything big and very well equipped. The classes begin at 8:10am and finish around 3pm.  There is an increasing number of "latinos" and that's why the number of ESL teacher increases every year.
Ahh, I forgot to mention that it's public (for free).

Radio and t.v. studio (everyday the teachers switch on the tv's in each classroom to see the high school announcements)

Room for tests

Students are allowed to play video games in their free time 

They are very proud of their performances at different sports, as seen in the pictures...

On the different noticeboards along the highschool you can see the extracurricular activities done by the students...

Something amazing is that each generation that finishes its studies draws  a mural inside the highschool, and all the students sign on it...

There are drawings from individual students in the corridors as well...

And last, but never least, the teachers that have taught and are still teaching in the highschool are remembered and valued through initiatives like the following...

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